
3rd Round EIC Settlement 第三轮熵结算

The 3rd Round of EIC Settlement is official completed, the price of EIC3 has skyrocketed from 0.30 USDT to 1.50 USDT! This remarkable appreciation achievement was accomplished in just 49 days, largely due to all EIC holders and 30% automatic sell-off mechanism, which further accelerate the speed of EIC settlement. It is estimated that the 4th round, EIC4, will be completed in approximately 45 days. Holders of EIC3 will continue to enjoy price appreciation, with potential gains of up to 5 more times!

Furthermore, let’s experience the 69 Reverse Mechanism together and enjoy a fair and equitable distribution mechanism. EIC4 will rise from 0.4 USDT to 2.00 USDT, with prices continuing to rise, bringing 5 to 25 times the potential for appreciation. This is an exciting moment!

For more details, please contact our consultants and customer service.
非常荣幸地宣布,经过第三轮熵结算,EIC3 的价格从0.30 USDT一路飙升至1.50 USDT!这令人振奋的增值成就仅用了49天时间,这要归功于所有布道者的持有和30%的自动抛售机制,进一步推动熵结算的速度,预计第四轮的EIC4将在45天左右完成。持有EIC3的您将继续享受价格的增值,增值空间还可达5倍之多!

此外,让我们一起体验69倒序机制,享受公平公正的发行机制。EIC4将从0.4 USDT上涨至2.00 USDT,价格还持续上涨,带来5倍至25倍的增涨空间。这是一个令人兴奋的时刻!
